Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Family First??

I think in life we all rank our time.  Maybe we choose our family, our job, our God, our friends.  But sometimes I think they all work together.

Often I rank my life this way:
  1. God
  2. Family
  3. Job
  4. Friends
Other days like this:
  1. Family
  2. Friends
  3. God
  4. Job
And still other days:
  1. Job
  2. Friends
  3. Family
  4. God
But I really think it should look more like this:
  • God-{Family-Job-Friends}
I think they all relate.  I think that we need to make sure that they are all on the same line because one has everything to do with the other.  When I put God first, then I treat my family kindly and sacrifice for them with a servants heart.  When I put God first, I work hard at my job to make sure that I am doing everything asked of me and bringing home as much as I can for my family.  When I put God first, I pick friends that can encourage me in my walk with God.  Everything I do should point to God and my relationship with Jesus. 

So rate yourself---how are you doing?