Sunday, January 16, 2011

Time Saving Tip for the week

Several months ago, I got a list (from my LED) telling some time saving tips.  One that I started to use immediately was this:

If it takes less than 5 minutes--do it immediately!

It used to be that I would make my TO DO list and there would be 45 things on it--most of which would take just 2 or 3 minutes to do.  Now (and I do mean most of the time!) when I have a thank you note for my hostess or a reminder call or even unload the dishwasher, I do it as soon as I see it needs done.  If it's a project that takes longer than 5 minutes, I put it on my TO DO list.

Use a TO DO list.  I break things down in little jobs, like this:
  • Dust upstairs
  • Dust downstairs
  • Clean 1/2 bath
  • Clean master bath
  • Clean upstairs bath
  • Do invitations for 1/28 party
  • Do invitations list for 1/29 party
  • Make 10 hostess packets
  • Make dating cards
  • And so on. . .
The more items the better--I may have 25 things on there!  As I accomplish each little task, I mark it off.  At the end of the day, I may have accomplished 15 to 18 things.  When I only have to transfer a few items, I give myself a pat on the back for a great day of accomplishing projects!  I reward myself with 15 minutes on Facebook or a bag of popcorn or a jigsaw puzzle on National Geographic website.

Give it a try--make a list and if it takes less than 5 minutes do it immediately.

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