Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Zoom focus

I learned a new phrase yesterday--Zoom Focus.  What does it mean?  It means allowing one to turn ideas and goals into reality and results.  (Jon Gordon). The first thing you need is to set a goal or have a dream.  I'm not sure about you, but I don't always have a dream.  Some times I just live and exist.  It's during these times that I do nothing with my business.  It just goes on, without any direction.  Then do you know what happens?  It begins to decline.

How do I get Zoom Focus?  Follow these steps (per Jon Gordon):
  • Ask yourself one question:  What are the 3 most important things I need to accomplish today to work toward my dream/goal?
  • Tune out distrations:  Stop answering the phone, turn off the TV/radio, talk to friends later, check your email later.  Execute the 3 things that you need to do and then you can focus on the other things again.
  • Say No or Yes:  Stop doing all the trivial things that don't help you reach your goals and say yes to the things that do (going to rallies/meetings, checking website for new updates)
  • Focus on Daily Improvement:  Become better at doing the required daily, then weekly, and suddenly your whole year will have improved. 
"When you Zoom Focus on the process, the outcome takes care of itself."

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