Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Points of Contacts with my hosts

To have a successful party you need great contact with your hostess.  Here are some times to have contact with your hosts:
  1. Immediately after dating--if you date at a party or over the phone, send a thank you note immediately.  I use a postcard from Vistaprint.com that simply say on the front, "Thank you for dating a party with me!  I have reserved this date for you and you alone.  It is very important that I get your guest list back as soon as possible to ensure that your guests get their invitation on time.  If you haven't done so already, please drop your guest list in the mail to me no later than tomorrow.  Call or email me with your questions!  We are going to have a blast at your party!"  On the back, I have a place for the date and time, and a blank area for a personal note.
  2. I contact the hostess right before I do the invitations to confirm the time, address, and RSVP phone number.  Also, this is a great opportunity to find out what products they are wanting to earn for free.
  3. Next, about 10 to 14 days before the party, I send the invitations and a postcard to the hostess that says (on the front), "Your invitations have been sent.  Your party is going to be great, but let's work together to make it even better!"  On the back it says that I am looking forward to the party and that their guests are receiving their invitations.  HOWEVER, many people forget to reply or get too busy, so a personal invitation will make the party a great success. 
  4. A week before the party I mail (or email--depending on how often my host checks her email) the hostess gift specials so she has a goal to reach for and I encourage her to have $150 in outside orders before the party.  (You can give her a challenge that if she does, you will have a gift for her--like a keychain or a tiny treasure or a little bowl you got cheap or free).
  5. Four or five days before the party, I send one final postcard.  It says (on the front), "REMINDER--IF YOU CALL THEM, THEY WILL COME!"  On the back I remind them to call each guests, both those who have RSVP'd and those who haven't. 
  6. Finally, two days before the party, I call the host to get directions and ask if I can arrive 30 minutes ahead of time.  I also confirm if I have promised her an extra gift that I will be bringing it with me (like the product of the supersized straw, or the bag of Tupperware.  I also remind her one last time to contact all her guests.  I tell her that I will do an on time drawing when she has 7 adult guests by 7:07 (or 7:37 or 6:37, whatever) or to have everyone wear pink (Valentines, Green for St. Patrick's Day, etc.) for extra Tupperbucks.  This gives her a reason to call everyone.  
Hostess contact is the key to party success!  Don't forget the most important contact--the Thank You note after the party and to let her know when the product ships.

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