Thursday, February 17, 2011

Rewarding Good Behavior

Are you a parent?  If so, you may discipline for bad behavior (time outs, spankings, taking away privileges.)  But what about good behavior?  My mom is a school bus driver.  While living in New York, the principal of the school wanted her to give a piece of candy to a child who was a constant discipline problem whenever he had a good day on the bus.  My mom refused.  She said, "Unless you give me candy for all the kids on the bus who are good EVERY DAY, I won't do it."  While I agree with my mom's theory (who wants to sugar up a busload of kids!), I think, as adult and business owners, we need a chance to reward ourselves when we do what is right and good.

At a recent WinnerFest event for Tupperware, our speaker Bonnie talked about rewarding your good behavior.  If what you need is datings, tell yourself when you get on the phone and make X number of calls, you may get X reward.  For instance, when I make 15 phone calls for parties, I can then get to watch my favorite sitcom on DVR or I get to call my BFF and talk for 30 minutes or I can play 15 minutes of Bejeweled on Facebook.  I can't control the person on the other end of the phone and what is happening in her life.  I can only control what I do.  I might pick the 15 people on my list who are all hospitalized for an appendectomy or the 15 people who have just left their husbands (ugh!).  While it is highly unlikely that ALL 15 will say no to a party, it maybe that you have reach many answering machines and some who say no not now.  I still have acted properly and done what is right.

So, make the calls, and give yourself a piece of candy!

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