Sunday, February 6, 2011

Saying "NO"

While focusing on my business, I have to say no to other things in my world. 

I was asked today by one of my friends to be on our church softball team.  I love softball, and quite frankly, I was pretty good at it (in my younger days!)  I like to believe that the old feelings and abilities would come back.  I loved feeling "part" of a team; I loved the feeling of hitting a ball so hard and beating out the throw to the bag; I loved out-smarting the pitcher or the positioning of the other team by hitting the ball where they weren't.  Could I get all that back?  Sure, but at what cost to my business?

When weighing out whether to say no or yes to a request, I have to take into consideration what it will mean to my schedule.  In this case, when are practices? when are games? how long with the committment last? how long will it take to travel to each of the games? how much extra time away from my family? what about the wear and tear on my body? 

Consider today if they things you are saying "YES" to are necessary.  Sure, you may need to be part of the PTO at school, but do you need to be president?  You may want to be the coach of your kids team, but how much time with that take away from the things that are important?  I'm not saying don't be involved; just figure out what is the best use of your time.  Me? The jury is still out on my softball career!

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